Monday, October 4, 2010

D bms

B.Com ( Tax  Procedures & Practices) III Year
(This paper is offered in lieu of Business Communication offered to

Paper :               Max.Marks : 70T+30P=100
P.P.W :4              

              and Foreign Key.
 : Data and information – Limitations of Manual Data Processing – Advantages of
    databases- DBMS- Functions of DBA- Elements pf DBMS : DDL,DML, Entities,
    Sets and attributes. Data Base Tables : Keys- Primary, Secondary, Composite    

II : Relations Data Bases Entity Relationship Types – 1:1, M:N, strong and Weak
      entities, Recursive Data Base Design, Normalization, First, Second, Third,  
BCNF, Fourth, Class Diagrams and Entity Relation tables.

UNIT III :   Creating Tables , Modifying Table Structures – Data Entity – Edit – Delete                        
                   Importing – Exporting table using MS Access.

UNIT IV  :  Queries : QBE –Select Queries – Grouping – Parameters – Data Formatting,
        queries based on multiple sources – Cross Tab Queries – Action Queries –
        Make Table Queries – Append – Delete and Update Queries using MS    
UNIT V  :  Forms and Reports : Forms – functions and uses – creating, Modifying labels
       List Boxes, Dialog Boxes. Reports: Creating – Modifying reports – Creating    
                 Reports with Report Graphics – Label Output format – Form Letters. (Using

1.  Peter Rob, Elie Semaan  Databases Design, Development, & Deployment using

1.     Fred R. McFadden, Modern Database Management, Addison Wesley B.COM III YEAR PRACTICAL EXAMINATION

1.  Create a table named STUDENT with the following structure and set the validation
rules white creating the structure:

FieldName  DataType  Validation Rules/Constraints
Student#  AutoNumber  Primary Key
Name  Text(20)
Qualification  Text(20) MCA or MSC(CS)orBEorME
Date of Birth  Date  Between 1
 January 1980 and 31

       Enter data in the above table  and do the following:
        a)   Display the names of students whose names begin with ‘S’.  
b)  Display the details of students whose qualification is ‘MCA’.
       c)    Display the details of students whose age is greater than 24.

2.  Create an  EMPLOYEE  table with the following details:
Employee#  Name  Basic  DA  HRA  GrossPay

         Assume all constraints, enter the data and calculate DA,HRA and Gross Pay.

    3.  Create a table called StudentDetails by importing the details of students from        
         MS-EXCEL   Worksheet.  
     4.  Create  the CATALOG  table with the following fields:

ISBN  Title  Author
Publisher  Year  Price

Create queries as per the following specifications;
a)  Get the details of all the books whose price is between 1000 and 1500.
b) Get the details of all the books whose price is between 1000 and 1500 in the
descending order of the prices.
c)  Get the details of all the books whose stock level is zero.

5.  Create a table named PERSON with Name and Age as attributes. Enter the data for
    10 rows.
      a) Modify the structure of the table to add a new column “Address”.
b) Make the name and address as the Primary Key for this table.

6.  Create two tables EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT with the following details:

DeptNo  Name  Location
a)  Make Employee # and DeptNo the primary keys for EMPOLYEE and
DEPARTMENT tables respectively.
b) Make DeptNo of Employees tables, the foreign key for the DEPARTMENT tables.
c)  Display the details of Employees, Whose salary is greater than rs.5000.
d)  Display the names of places, where different employees are working.

Employee#  Name  Job  HireDate  Salary  DeptNo 7. Create the CATALOG table with the following fields:

  Create queries as per the following specifications:
a)  Get the details of all the books whose year of publishing is 2005.
b) Get the details of all the books whose year of publishing is 2002 or 2005.
c)  Get the details of all the books whose year of publishing is between 2000 and

8. Create the table EMPLOYEE with the following details:

   Enter details of 10 employees and create queries as per the following specifications:
a)  Modifying the Job of all employees to ’MANAGER’.
b)  Enhance the salary of all employees by 10%.
c)  Delete the details of all employees, Whose salary is less then Rs.5000/-

9.   Illustrate the use of Append Query.
10. Consider the following tables:
ISBN  Title  Author
Publisher  Year  Price
Employee#  Name  Job  Hire Date  Salary  DeptNo
Employee#  Name  Job  Hire Date  Salary  DeptNo

Enter relevant data and Create queries as per the following specification:

a)  Display name and location of the department, where ALLEN is working.
b)  Display number and name of all the employees, who earn more than 2600 in
alphabetical order by name?
c)  Write a query that will accept a given job title and displays all rows according to
that title?

11.  Consider the following tables:


a)  Write a query to duplicate the EMPLOYEE table?
b) Calculate the department number where more then one clerk is working?
c)  Find the department number where more than one clerk is working?

DeptNo  Name  Location
Employee#  Name  Job  Hire Date  Salary  DeptNo
DeptNo  Name  Location
12.  Create a database named Recruitment, with the tables Application, Interview and
       Recruitment .The structure of the tables is given below:
FieldName  Data Type  Validation Rules/Constraints
Cand-Id  AutoNumber  Primary Key
Name  Text(20)
Qualification  Text(20) MCA or Msc(cs)or BE or ME
Appl-Date  Date  Between May 15* to June 30
Date of Birth  Date Between 1
 January 1980 And 31

March 1985
Percentage  Number  Between 70 and 100

FieldName  Data Type  Validation Rules/Constraints
          Intv-id  AutoNumber
Cand-id  AutoNumber Foreign key to Cand-Id of
Application table
Intv-Marks         Number            Between 1 and 100

FieldName  Data Type  Validation Rules/Constraints
Recruit_Id  Text (7)
Intv_id  Auto Number
Join_Date  Date   >Current Date +1 month AND <
Current Date +2 month
Post_recruited  Text

      Set the validation rules, while creating the table and enter data into it.
13. Using the tables from Question 12, perform the following operations:
a)  Create a simple query named Interview List to select only the cand_Id from the
Applications table with the candidates having above 70% and with the qualifica
-tion as MCA or Msc (cs).

       b)  From the Interview Table, select only the Intv_Id having Intv_Marks of more than
            70, who are to be recruited for posts.

       c) Create a look up field for Post _Recruited having the values Software Engineer,
           System Engineer, Support Incharge, Senior Manager.

14.  Using the tables from question 12, Build a form with the details of candidates  
       selected  for Interview. The details are to be automatically update to the Interview  

15.  Using the tables from Question 12,build a form with the details of candidates who
have been recruit to various posts, using the information from the Recruitment table.

16. Create the CATALOG table with the following fields:

Create queries as per the following specifications:
a)  Find the name of all the books that start with the letter ‘C’.
b)  Find the details of the books with the title “TechnoTrends”.

ISBN  Title  Author
Publisher  Year  Price 17. Illustrate the use of Make-tables Query.
18.  Create the CATALOG table with the following fields:


Create queries as per the following specifications:
a)  Find the price of the book “Rapid Application Development:.
b) Change the price of the book “software Engineering” to Rs. 500/-.
c)  Delete the record for the book named “The Internet Applications”.

19. Generate a Report based on the table Stud_Details, Marks_Details, Group_Mast_      
      Details, and place it in the Students Report, using the Report Wizard.




ISBN  Title  Author
Publisher  Year  Price
Stud_Id  Name  DOB  Address  Group_Id
GroupId  Group_Name

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