Sunday, October 3, 2010

Colors Meaning to Life - Colorful As we all know each colors is showing the meaning to Life... In our daily life what color gives which meaning... Just refer the following colors and its meaning... Red ---> excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, danger. Blue --->(most popular) trust, reliability, belonging, coolness. Yellow --->warmth, sunshine, cheer, happiness. Orange --->playfulness, warmth, vibrant. Green --->nature, fresh, cool, growth, abundance. Purple --->royal, spirituality, dignity. Pink --->soft, sweet, nurture, security. White --->pure, virginal, clean, youthful, mild. Black --->sophistication, elegant, seductive, mystery, sexual. Gold --->prestige, expensive, elite. Silver --->prestige, cold, scientific. I like yellow colors mostly... What color you like ?? Comment please...

Colors Meaning to Life - Colorful

As we all know each colors is showing the meaning to Life... In our daily life what color gives which meaning... Just refer the following colors and its meaning...
Red ---> excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, danger.
(most popular) trust, reliability, belonging, coolness.
warmth, sunshine, cheer, happiness.
playfulness, warmth, vibrant.
nature, fresh, cool, growth, abundance.
royal, spirituality, dignity.
soft, sweet, nurture, security.
pure, virginal, clean, youthful, mild.
sophistication, elegant, seductive, mystery, sexual.
prestige, expensive, elite.
prestige, cold, scientific.

I like yellow colors mostly... What color you like ??
Comment please...

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