- #1000 Broccoflower
- #999 That last, crumby triangle in a bag of potato chips
- #998 Getting grass stains
- #997 Locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away
- #996 Opening and sniffing a pack of tennis balls
- #995 Finding money you didn’t even know you lost
- #994 Waiters and waitresses who bring free refills without asking
- #993 Fat baseball players
- #992 Being the first table to get called up for the dinner buffet at a wedding
- #991 Really, really old Tupperware
- #990 Picking up a q and a u at the same time in Scrabble
- #989 Blowing your nose in the shower
- #988 The Gas Arrow
- #987 Picking the perfect nacho off someone else’s plate
- #986 When you pull to a red light and the guy in front of you nudges up a bit so you can make a right turn
- #985 Eating things past the expiry date
- #984 Eating the last piece of dessert somebody left at your house
- #983 That pile of assorted beers left in your fridge after a party
- #982 Picking your nose
- #981 Wearing underwear just out of the dryer
- #980 Old, dangerous playground equipment
- #979 Anything that can grow wings
- #978 Putting the toppings on a hot dog bun before the hot dog
- #977 The smell of gasoline
- #976 Flossing
- #975 Airplane toilet flushes
- #974 High tens
- #973 Sleeping in new bed sheets
- #972 Any food that requires Wet-Naps and a stack of napkins to eat
- #971 Real-bearded Santas
- #970 Using hotel lobby bathrooms when you’re out walking around
- #969 Tire names
- #968 Barbecue lighters
- #967 Illegal naps
- #966 Living with someone who doesn’t mind killing spiders
- #965 Building a stack of pancakes that looks just like the front of the box
- #964 The day when you first realize you can drive
- #963 When someone offers to toss your dirty clothes in with their load of laundry
- #962 Being the guy on the construction crew who gets to hold the Stop sign
- #961 Yellow teeth
- #960 Strategic trick-or-treating
- #959 Planning for snoozes
- #958 Being the first person into a really crowded movie theater and getting the prime seats
- #957 The telephone
- #956 Using Rock-Paper-Scissors to settle anything
- #955 Sneezing three or more times in a row
- #954 Rain hair
- #953 When cashiers open up new check-out lanes at the grocery store
- #952 When someone tells you that you have something in your teeth
- #951 Hearing a stranger fart in public
- #950 Big, fat asses
- #949 Ordering off the menu at fast food restaurants
- #948 The Man Couch
- #947 Neighbors with pools
- #946 The first shower you take after not showering for a really long time
- #945 Spending all your money on candy
- #944 Your pillow
- #943 Using Q-Tips the way you’re not supposed to use them
- #942 Somebody flashing their high beams at you to warn you about the cops
- #941 The Universal Fry-Sharing Policy
- #940 Terrible businesses run by children
- #939 Hot cream and a straight razor on your neck at the barber shop
- #938 Sweatpants aka track pants aka jogging pants
- #937 The smell of rain on a hot sidewalk
- #936 Perfect parallel-parking on the first try
- #935 Eating cookies like Cookie Monster
- #934 Adrenaline
- #933 The first scoop out of a jar of peanut butter
- #932 Wearing sandals when you shouldn’t be wearing sandals
- #931 Intergenerational dancing
- #930 Finally getting a piece of popcorn that’s been stuck in your teeth all day out
- #929 Your colon
- #928 Eating foods you loved when you were a kid
- #927 A really cold glass of water on a really hot day
- #926 The Runaway Truck Ramp
- #925 Watching ‘The Price Is Right’ when you’re at home sick
- #924 Glass
- #923 Doing anything that makes you feel like a caveman
- #922 Getting a trucker to blow their horn
- #921 Snow days
- #920 Getting the eyelash out of your eye
- #919 Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
- #918 When you’re really tired and about to fall asleep and someone throws a blanket on you
- #917 The moment at a concert after the lights go out and before the band comes on stage
- #916 The sound of scissors cutting construction paper
- #915 When there’s leftover cake in the office kitchen
- #914 Surprise two-ply
- #913 Having a whole row by yourself on the plane
- #912 Hanging your hand out the window of a car
- #911 Getting served breakfast in bed
- #910 When you arrive at your destination just as a great song ends on the radio
- #909 Bakery air
- #908 Peeling an orange in one shot
- #907 When your favorite sports team is in the big nationally televised game
- #906 Drinking a glass of cold water right after eating ice cream
- #905 Using all the different shampoos and soaps in someone else’s shower
- #904 When you manage to squeeze enough toothpaste out for one last brush
- #903 Picking scabs
- #902 Roasting the perfect marshmallow
- #901Flipping through the entire bank of posters at the mall when you need to kill time
- #900 Multitasking while brushing your teeth
- #899 The smell of frying onions
- #898 Playing old-school video games
- #897 A pack of matches on the back of the toilet
- #896 That feeling you get right after you just vomited
- #895 Getting something with actual handwriting on it in the mail
- #894 When the only other person going up in the elevator is going to the same floor as you
- #893 Orange slices at half-time
- #892 Taking your shoes and socks off after a really long day
- #891 Bowling celebrations
- #890 Really, really tall people
- #889 The sound of a solid crack from a good break in billiards
- #888 Peeing in a pool
- #887 Talking about how much the meal you’re eating at home would cost at a restaurant
- #886 High fiving babies
- #885 Paying for something with exact change
- #884 A plunger when you really need one
- #883 Ugly actors
- #882 A good floss after a tough steak
- #881 When someone lands on the hotel you just built in Monopoly
- #880 Getting piggy-backed anywhere
- #879 The Parking Lot Pull Through
- #878 The smell and sound of a campfire
- #877 Getting in a line just before it gets really long
- #876 Taking your bra off after wearing it for hours
- #875 Facial hair experiments
- #874 The Five Second Rule
- #873 Finding a mix tape given to you by an old boyfriend or girlfriend
- #872 The feeling of scrunching sand in your feet
- #871 Finding out your birthday is on a Friday or Saturday next year
- #870 When you get the milk to cereal ratio just right
- #869 Slurping hot soup on a cold night
- #868 Snow stepping
- #867 Snow falling on Christmas eve
- #866 When the gift receipt is already in the box
- #865 When you’re driving late at night on an empty gas tank and suddenly a gas station appears on the horizon
- #864 Mastering the art of the all-you-can-eat buffet
- #863 The Perfect Egg Crack
- #862 The Laugh Echo
- #861 Not getting a hangover when you were expecting to get one
- #860 When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one
- #859 Playing with a baby and not having to change its diaper
- #858 The other side of the pillow
- #857 Getting the big corner stall in the public bathroom
- #856 The Perfect Chicken Wing Partner
- #855 When you cut off your disgusting big toenail
- #854 Crying
- #853 When your microwave pops microwave popcorn perfectly
- #852 The smell of the coffee aisle in the grocery store
- #851 Your family car growing up
- #850 Absolute perfect silence
- #849 The fetal position
- #848 Old folks who sit on their porch and wave at you when you walk by
- #847 Old, classic board games
- #846 Sneaking McDonald’s and hiding the evidence
- #845 Good escalator etiquette
- #844 Celebrities on Sesame Street
- #843 Getting out of the car after a really long trip
- #842 When the socks from the dryer all match up perfectly
- #841 When the categories on Jeopardy! are right in your wheelhouse
- #840 Popping Bubble Wrap
- #839 Really good candy with your bill at a restaurant
- #838 The smell of freshly cut grass
- #837 Pushing those little buttons on the soft drink cup lid
- #836 When you push the button for the elevator and it’s already there
- #835 Saliva
- #834 Building an amazing couch cushion fort
- #833 Pouring a drink where the bubbles go right to the top but not over
- #832 Finally having your ears pop back to normal long after a flight or swim
- #831 When someone names their kid after you
- #830 Salt
- #829 Smiling and thinking of good friends who are gone
- #828 Remembering what movie that guy is from
- #827 Saying the same thing as a sports commentator says just before they say it
- #826 When you didn’t play the lottery and your numbers didn’t come up
- #825 Overly elaborate office pools
- #824 Finding the TV remote after looking forever
- #823 When you find out what was making that horrible smell and get rid of it
- #822 When there’s still time left in the parking meter when you pull up
- #821 When the public bathroom has paper towels instead of hand dryers
- #820 Making it out of the bathroom at work before anyone realizes you made it smell that way
- #819 The Take a Penny, Leave a Penny bowl
- #818 When the dentist says you have no cavities
- #817 Doing something half-assed at the last minute and getting away with it
- #816 When the late-night pizza order arrives really, really early
- #815 When you nudge the person snoring next to you and it makes them stop
- #814 Cheesy theme songs from 80′s sitcoms
- #813 Museum gift shops
- #812 When you’re drowning and then a dolphin comes to your rescue
- #811 Getting off an airplane after a long flight
- #810 Returning to your warm and comfy bed after getting up to pee in the middle of the night
- #809 New Socks Day
- #808 Coming home after a long day to the smell of someone cooking dinner
- #807 That one really good pen that never gets lost
- #806 Ducks
- #805 The smell of crayons
- #804 Gym pain
- #803 Your favorite old, comfy T-shirt
- #802 Watching something download really fast
- #801 When you know your TV remote so well you don’t need to look at the buttons
- #800 Getting a splinter out of your finger
- #799 Backseat car windows that go down all the way
- #798 When all the blood rushes to your foot after it was asleep for a while
- #797 Seeing a cop on the side of the road and realizing you’re going the speed limit anyway
- #796 The sound of rain from inside the tent
- #795 The Flying Saucer Frisbee Toss
- #794 People you don’t clean up for when they visit
- #793 All the food that comes out of a cow
- #792 Your eyebrows
- #791 Getting the armrest at the movie theater
- #790 Seeing someone laugh in their sleep
- #789 Putting potato chips on a sandwich
- #788 The first squeeze from a new tube of toothpaste
- #787 The extra time you get when the clocks roll back
- #786 Getting recognized for doing something you love
- #785 Falling asleep in the backseat of a car late at night on the drive home
- #784 Celebrity baby names
- #783 When you know all the buttons to speed through the automated telephone system
- #782 Mixing cookie batter with your bare hands
- #781 Guys who wear no shirts at cold sporting events
- #780 Squeezing through a door as it’s shutting without touching it
- #779 Getting into a bed with clean sheets after shaving your legs
- #778 When someone unjams the photocopier for you
- #777 Reading the nutritional label and eating it anyway
- #776 When you’re watching one of your favorite movies and you realize you don’t remember how it ends
- #775 When someone holds your keys and wallet in their purse
- #774 Discovering those little tabs on the side of the aluminum foil box
- #773 Watching your odometer click over a major milestone
- #772 When you spilling something on your shirt and it doesn’t leave a stain
- #771 Waking up before your alarm clock and realizing you’ve got lots of sleep time left
- #770 Grabbing the cereal bowl with both hands and slurping up all the sugary milk
- #769 When the thing you were going to buy is already on sale
- #768 Sneaking under someone else’s umbrella
- #767 Getting the last copy of the video at the video store
- #766 Finding the last item of your size at the store
- #765 Thinking it’s Thursday when it’s Friday
- #764 Bedhead all day long
- #763 Scraping all the lint off an overflowing lint trap
- #762 The moment at a restaurant after you see your food coming from the kitchen and before it lands on your table
- #761 Eating the extra fries at the bottom of the bag
- #760 Really, really selling it while barbecuing
- #759 Dropping a glass and then sticking your foot out so it hits your foot and doesn’t break on the ground
- #758 Celebrating your pet’s birthday even though they have no idea what’s going on
- #757 Taking your shoes off on a long car ride
- #756 Getting the booth side of a restaurant table
- #755 When you arrive at the bus stop just as the bus is coming around the corner
- #754 Getting gas just before the price goes up
- #753 When your sneeze stalls for a second and then comes booming out
- #752 When the public toilet seat is clean
- #751 Big crowds enjoying big fireworks
- #750 Dangling your feet in water
- #749 The quiet satisfaction of settling the group bill after dinner
- #748 That feeling in your stomach when you go really high on the swings
- #747 Short acceptance speeches
- #746 Getting the last piece of sleep out of your eye
- #745 When someone gives you their last piece of gum
- #744 That smooth feeling on your teeth after you get your braces off
- #743 Taking your high heels off at the end of the night and walking home in bare feet
- #742 The smell of an old hardware store
- #741 When a big chunk of earwax randomly falls out of your ear
- #740 Drinking those little ice crystals floating in your freezing cold glass of Coke
- #739 The sound of barely frozen puddles cracking when you step on them
- #738 When you go out for lunch and come back to a way better parking spot
- #737 Catching somebody singing in their car and sharing a laugh with them
- #736 The smell of Play-Doh
- #735 Doing the moonwalk in your socks
- #734 When the free bread they bring you at the restaurant is warm
- #733 Laughing so hard you make no sound at all
- #732 Taking your glasses or contact lenses off after a long day
- #731 An inbox of personal emails when you wake up in the morning
- #730 When the baby’s diaper isn’t as bad as you were expecting
- #729 Passing under a bridge on the highway when it’s pouring rain
- #728 Interspecies action figure wars
- #727 Letting go of the gas pump at just the right moment
- #726 Eating the part of the cookie that fell in the milk
- #725 When the lights turn green just as you’re approaching the intersection
- #724 Placing the last piece of the puzzle
- #723 Seeing a huge tree and remembering how small it used to be
- #722 Watching seniors do water aerobics
- #721 Drinking anything through the little hole in a coffee stirrer
- #720 The final seconds of untangling a really big knot
- #719 Shoving handfuls of popcorn in your mouth really fast and spilling it everywhere
- #718 When you sneeze and a stranger says bless you
- #717 Sleeping with one leg under the covers and one leg out
- #716 Rubbing someone’s newly shaved head
- #715 Looking at how much dirt came off something you just cleaned
- #714 Changing the channel during a commercial break and then flipping back just as the show’s coming back on
- #713 Stepping into the shower when it’s already at the perfect temperature
- #712 Emptying the recycling bin on your computer
- #711 When you get home so late the newspaper is already lying at the front door
- #710 When little babies let out adult-sized burps
- #709 Waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon
- #708 Jumping as many stairs as possible
- #707 Wearing what you just bought out of the store
- #706 The moment at a concert when the crowd figures out what song they’re playing
- #705 When you’re sitting in the backseat of a packed car and the driver takes a turn really fast
- #704 Taking the price tag off in one clean peel
- #703 Finding the perfect patch of grass to sit on at the park
- #702 Sucking your stomach in just before the picture is taken
- #701 When you hit the point where you’re comfortable farting around each other
- #700 Making someone laugh when they’ve got a really full mouth
- #699 A long hug when you really need it
- #698 Listening to your new favorite song over and over again
- #697 When chopsticks come apart perfectly
- #696 Actually pointing out a constellation in outer space
- #695 Walking around with a black eye
- #694 Screaming at characters in movies to do things
- #693 Waking up really thirsty in the morning and finding a glass of water you can reach from your bed
- #692 Eating the crusts of the sandwich first to save the middle part for last
- #691 When you flip to a radio station just as a song you love is starting
- #690 When the person scratching your back finds that one really itchy spot
- #689 When somebody holds the elevator door for you
- #688 Bailing on a toboggan
- #687 Turning off all the lights during a thunderstorm
- #686 When you open your cell phone and there are a bunch of text messages waiting
- #685 Taking the stairs beside somebody taking the escalator
- #684 Being so excited you forget to take your bike helmet off
- #683 Finding a Styrofoam container with last night’s restaurant dinner in your fridge
- #682 When your boss leaves early for the day
- #681 Realizing you’re going to be in the background of someone else’s picture and smiling at the last second
- #680 Falling asleep when the plane takes off and waking up when it lands
- #679 Old school sugar cereals
- #678 Sneaking cheaper candy into the movie theater
- #677 When you’re awkwardly standing by yourself with a full cafeteria tray of food and then suddenly spot your friend waving at you
- #676 A perfect squeegee job at the gas station
- #675 Wordless apologies
- #674 When your laptop or cell phone is just about to die but you manage to run and plug it in before it completely shuts off
- #673 When you’re washing the car and it’s hose time
- #672 When you drink from a bottle of water that’s been sitting for a while and you hit the cold, insulated spot in the middle
- #671 Reuniting a sock from the Sock Orphanage Drawer with its freshly washed, once lost brother or sister
- #670 When a stranger walks by and offers to take a photo of you and the person you’re with
- #669 Vacuuming a dirty carpet and hearing all the tiny rocks going through the hose
- #668 Walking faster than cars sitting in traffic
- #667 Tips
- #666 Giving people what they want
- #665 Fitting every last thing in the dishwasher
- #664 Running for the bus or train and actually catching it
- #663 When your roommate goes away for the weekend
- #662 Fixing your wedgie when no one’s looking
- #661 When you drive from a rough road onto a smooth one
- #660 Stomping dry crunchy leaves on the sidewalk
- #659 When you suddenly remember it’s a long weekend
- #658 When you meet up with a group of friends and they stop talking to celebrate your arrival
- #657 Memories of McDonaldland
- #656 When the plane suddenly speeds up on the runway
- #655 When you get to your seat just as the previews are starting
- #654 Peeling that thin plastic film off new electronics
- #653 When someone compliments your new haircut
- #652 Using any item within reach to help grab the remote control so you don’t have to move
- #651 When the phone rings and it’s someone you were just thinking about
- #650 The first couple hours of the roadtrip
- #649 Moving indoor furniture outdoors
- #648 Shooing a fly outside without having to kill it
- #647 When batteries are included
- #646 Picking all the dried glue off the lid
- #645 Hilarious last minute Halloween costumes
- #644 When company events are scheduled on company time
- #643 The sound of steaks hitting a hot grill
- #642 The Surprise Left Turn Arrow
- #641 Kicking those clumps of frozen slush off the back of your car’s mudflap
- #640 Whipping down the hill really fast after pedaling hard all the way up
- #639 Carrying all the groceries in from the car in one big trip
- #638 When the amount of toilet paper left on the roll is the exact amount you need
- #637 Rocking out on air instruments
- #636 When your nose is dripping and someone hands you a tissue
- #635 When the hiccups stop
- #634 The moment on a roller coaster after you get to the top of the first hill and before you go down it
- #633 Finding something you lost a long time ago after you already gave up looking for it
- #632 Slowing down
- #631 Coming back to your own bed after a long trip
- #630 The moment you wake up from a nightmare and realize it was all just a dream
- #629 When it feels like the lyrics to the song you’re listening to were written just for you
- #628 Peeling your socks off under the sheets
- #627 When your friends working in fast food restaurants give you a little extra
- #626 Riding home with a box of pizza on your lap
- #625 Really, really short people
- #624 Flavor pockets
- #623 The sound of snow crunching under your boots
- #622 When the dog’s really excited you’re back home
- #621 Staying up past your bedtime when you were a kid
- #620 Singing in the car on the way home from the concert
- #619 When the person at the store tells you the thing you’re about to buy is going on sale tomorrow
- #618 The feeling of brushing your teeth with a new toothbrush
- #617 When you win a point in tennis with the ball hitting the net and then dying at the other side
- #616 Trying to understand what your friend’s saying when you’re underwater
- #615 When your friend makes sure you got into the house safe after dropping you off at the end of the night
- #614 When you tune the radio station perfectly so there’s absolutely no static
- #613 Your tongue
- #612 Finally farting after the guests leave
- #611 Typing in your username and password at the speed of light
- #610 Plugging in the Christmas lights from last year and having them all work
- #609 Finding hidden compartments in things you already own
- #608 When strangers wish you happy holidays
- #607 Getting your guests to help you move something really heavy
- #606 The Kids Table
- #605 Christmas hugs
- #604 Walking on grass with bare feet
- #603 When the DJ plays your request
- #602 Setting the new high score on a video game
- #601 Getting through it
- #600 Staring ahead at a brand new year
- #599 Walking around naked when you’re home alone
- #598 Secretly sniffing your armpits and realizing you don’t stink
- #597 When a cop finally passes you after driving behind you for a while
- #596 Driving on the highway really late at night when the roads are empty
- #595 Anything on tap
- #594 When your windshield wipers match the beat of the song you’re listening to
- #593 Swapping driver’s licenses with a friend and laughing at each other’s photos
- #592 Your mom’s scrambled eggs
- #591 Sitting on your freshly made bed and admiring your work after cleaning your room
- #590 Wearing a sweatshirt that hasn’t been washed yet
- #589 Making the first footprint in fresh snow
- #588 Tossing garbage in the trash can from far away
- #587 Taking your ponytail out
- #586 That one old guy in the grocery store who knows exactly where everything is
- #585 Figuring out the plot twist just before they reveal it
- #584 That one email account you use for all your spam
- #583 Drawing on steamy mirrors with your fingers
- #582 When the guy at the deli counter gives you a free taste
- #581 Looking at all the hair on the floor after you just got a haircut
- #580 Finding that chopped off fingernail that sailed across the room before anyone else does
- #579 Eating the ice cream stuck to the lid of the carton
- #578 Correctly guessing the actor voicing the animated movie character
- #577 Looking at the clock and seeing that it’s 12:34
- #576 Appreciating the beauty of all your body’s scars and scratches
- #575 When the guy with a full cart of groceries lets you go ahead because you’re only buying one thing
- #574 Nudging the shower faucet a little bit hotter then a little bit hotter
- #573 That one person who laughs when you tell a really bad joke
- #572 Learning a new keyboard shortcut
- #571 Realizing you still remember your childhood friend’s phone number
- #570 When a little baby gives you a hug before it leaves
- #569 Sharing your stories with friends
- #568 Your mom’s love
- #567 Getting to the light at the end of the tunnel
- #566 Unforgettable friends
- #565 Moving forward and moving on
- #564 Fishing a big piece of lint out of your belly button
- #563 Watching cream go into coffee
- #562 Not bumping your head on something you always bump your head on
- #561 Letting the waves bury your feet at the beach
- #560 Putting on your most flattering pair of pants
- #559 Getting to McDonald’s right when they’re switching from breakfast to lunch
- #558 Getting a stuck ball out of somewhere by using another ball
- #557 When you fold a piece of paper so it fits in the envelope perfectly
- #556 When you’re in the fastest moving lane in a traffic jam
- #555 Proper urinal etiquette
- #554 Staying in your pajamas all day
- #553 When a friend returns something they borrowed so long ago that you forgot you owned it
- #552 When you went to the gym yesterday
- #551 Photosynthesis
- #550 When your roommate cleans the place while you’re away
- #549 School field trip day
- #548 The moment in the shower where you decide to make it a really long shower
- #547 Finding treasures in your Spring jacket pocket
- #546 Running to the door when your mom or dad comes home from work
- #545 Watching a movie in the basement with a group of friends
- #544 Elementary school science fairs
- #543 That separate compartment in your stomach for dessert
- #542 Wrong colored foods
- #541 Junk drawers
- #540 The TV Treasure Chest Moment
- #539 When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for
- #538 Laughing so hard you start crying
- #537 Wearing your favorite pair of underwear and nobody knows
- #536 When you’re being chased by zombies and suddenly find a hidden stash of guns and ammo
- #535 Giant morning stretches accompanied by stupid noises
- #534 Catching food in your mouth
- #533 Taking a spin on a shopping cart
- #532 When you find out your new place has a really good shower
- #531 The Big Night Nap
- #530 Listening to couples tell you how they met
- #529 Finally peeing after holding it forever
- #528 When your pet notices you’re in a bad mood and comes to see you
- #527 The night before a really big day
- #526 When dreams come true
- #525 That teacher
- #524 When your fries order has a few onion rings stashed in the mix
- #523 When you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere
- #522 Dancing when you’re home alone
- #521 Calling a mulligan on the day
- #520 When a baby falls asleep on you
- #519 Glue movies
- #518 Napping with somebody else
- #517 That clicking sound of anything winding up
- #516 Picking up something that turns out to be a lot lighter than you expected
- #515 Nailing that perfect move in a board game
- #514 Seeing a license plate from really far away in your home town
- #513 Peeling that sticky glue off the back of your new credit card
- #512 That guy who helps you parallel park
- #511 The moment on vacation where you forget what day of the week it is
- #510 Hanging out with your mom
- #509 Riding your bike really late at night when the streets are completely empty
- #508 Dropping your cell phone on the sidewalk and then realizing it’s totally fine
- #507 Riding on someone’s shoulders when you were a kid
- #506 When the person you’re meeting is even later than you are
- #505 The last couple hours before the weekend
- #504 Acrobatic snoozing
- #503 Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher
- #502 Fully justifying whatever terrible thing you’re eating
- #501 Picking the fastest moving line at the grocery store checkout
- #500 Making it halfway
- #499 When you should have got a parking ticket but didn’t
- #498 Long comfortable silences between really close friends
- #497 The moment after the show ends and before the applause begins
- #496 Seeing way worse weather on TV somewhere else
- #495 When it suddenly just clicks
- #494 Cutting your sandwich into triangles
- #493 When that zit growing on your forehead suddenly just disappears
- #492 The first text message between new friends
- #491 The Party Save
- #490 Driving around with the windows down on late summer nights
- Clear, beautiful and healthy looking eyes. Eyes provide an insight on the level of health of the individual, and healthy eyes indicate a healthy mate. It was also surveyed as the most attractive feature according to various women’s magazines.
- A confident attitude towards life. Confidence indicates that you are successful and are to be trusted. When you trust yourself, others will as well. Women will trust you with themselves
- Physical height. Height provides a sense of security and comfort which is very attractive to women. Being taller is also a dominant trait which is attractive. Ultimately, if you are short but can provide a feeling of security and comfort, this will be equivalent to height.

The best guide to creating attraction regardless of height is Double Your Dating.
- Physical strength, muscles. Being muscular provides a sense of excitement and security in women. It also alludes to dominance which will seduce most women.
- Being funny. Laughter makes people feel more comfortable and happy. Also, when people are laughing at your jokes, you immediately gain social status which is attractive. If you can make her laugh, you’re half way there. Read how to make a girl smile.
- Being witty. This is very attractive as it alludes to being smart, and intelligence is attractive to women. If you are dating then wit will be a big part of your evening.
- Being wealthy.Wealth indicates power, security, comfort and even excitement. This is very attractive to women whom crave all these feelings.
- Being playful. Playfulness means that you are fun to be with, consequently triggering feelings of attraction in women.
- Being touchy. Human touch is a powerful way to trigger feelings of attraction. Naturally touchy people have a lot more sex than people whom refrain from human contact. This is important when you flirt with a girl.
- Bravery. Being brave, alert in emergency situations is very attractive and indicates that you will be able to protect her from danger.
- Being excited about life. The energy that people emit when they are excited about living is contagious and very attractive.
- Being unavailable. People want what they can’t get. Being hard ( but not impossible! ) to get is attractive.
- A cocky smile is attractive. Cocky smiles, demonstrated in movies such as James Bond and Top Gun triggers feelings of confidence and dominance which is extremely arousing. Read up on how to pick up girls for more information.
- Genuine smiles in general are attractive. As long as they are a reaction to something that occurred and not because you are being polite or awkward.
- Being concentrated on a task is attractive to women. If a woman can watch you while you are completely involved in a task, then she is likely to be attracted to you. Examples of this can be her watching you paint, play an instrument, anything you do well that requires full absolute concentration on your part.
- Playing an instrument is attractive to women. Wonder why the rock stars get the girls… there are many reasons but those whom play music are automatically ranked more attractive than those who don’t.
- Being famous.If you’re famous, then by definition a lot of people know you. If a lot of people know you, you are therefore important. Being important is very attractive to women.
- Not caring. A care free attitude is liberating and very attractive.
- Being well dressed. Wearing nice clothes demonstrate social status; accentuate your physical features and shows that you take care of yourself.
- Unique accessories that match our personality. In our society, accessories that stand out provoke curiosity, confidence and will attract women. “What’s that necklace you are wearing”, says the girl at the bar. That is one of the dating tips for how to attract women.
- Shoes that are in style. The first thing that most girls notice in guys is what kind of shoes they are wearing. Shoes speak more about you than all clothes. You can be wearing a diaper on your head, jeans from the 80’s… but if you’re wearing brand new shoes that are in style, girls will automatically see you as attractive. If you don’t have the shoes… get them.

- Well fitting shirts. Baggy shirts are out! Shirts should complement your body and show off your features. Now I’m not talking about spandex, but regular well fitting shirts. You know why suits look good? Because they are tailored to fit you perfectly. This is attractive to women.
- A deep, commanding voice. Your voice says a lot about you, literally. The next time you strike up a chat with a woman, don’t sound squeaky.
- Body posture. Within 1 second, just from how you stand, women will judge you as attractive or not. Good body posture indicates that you are a healthy mate and is very attractive to women. Lean back.
- Human smell. Sweat, at a very basic level, is very attractive to women. It triggers feeling of arousal in women. However, don’t go too far and stink. That’s repelling.
- Some light, musky cologne. These smells will mimic the natural smell that males produce and used lightly, will arouse some females.
- Leadership. Being a leader is very attractive to women, it demonstrates social status and importance. Make decisions, lead the pack.
- Being dominant. Women are naturally submissive, and men should be naturally dominant. Unfortunately with all our yoga classes and hormonal milk, this has changed in the past century.
- Being dangerous. Danger is hot, exciting, energising and can be very addictive. Women love the bad boy.
- Being intelligent. Intelligence, demonstrated by high grades, an impressive line of studies or career is very attractive.
- Being good with animals. Being good with living things indicates that you will be a good mate, capable of protecting and caring for any offspring you could potentially have. This is very attractive.
- Being good with kids. Same as above.
- Being genuinely interested in her. People love people whom are interested in them. If you genuinely want to know what makes her tick, this will be attractive.
- Being the best, in a group of men. If you are the best out of the competing men, then out of that group, you will be the most attractive to women.
- Being disciplined. People want to be surrounded by competent individuals. If you are able to control yourself when she can’t, she will see you as having a lot of willpower. This demonstrates that you are in control of your life.
- Not taking life too seriously. Having the gift to be able to laugh at life and embrace it as an enjoyable experience. You don’t have to think about marriage every time you talk to a girl.
- Being positive. Positive people are attractive. If you can show her the sunny side of things, she will thank you for it.
- Being a little selfish. Being slightly selfish indicates that you care a lot about yourself and your well being. This relates to confidence and importance which are attractive. Don’t be a martyr.
- Being generous. The complete opposite of being selfish, being generous can be attractive as well because it demonstrates that you are not needy and that you are wealthy. Note! Being generous does NOT mean you should buy things for people so they like you… this is not attractive. A good example of being generous would be, if you’re with friends, you could purchase the pitcher of drinks. This subconsciously communicates that you are in charge, dominant and wealthy.
- Spontaneity. Very attractive, alludes to excitement.
- Good hair. Having nice, healthy and well groomed hair shows that you take care of yourself.
- Trimmed nails. Women notice, if you take care of yourself, she’ll appreciate it.
- A slight tan. These days, a tan indicates that you wealthy and physically healthy.
- Relaxed attitude. Being relaxed shows a lot of confidence.
- Being driven. If you know what you want in life, and you’re pursuing it, this is attractive.
- Nice teeth. It is very important to have nice teeth, women think about it every time they consider kissing you.
- Having nice possessions, such as a car, house or a boat. These indicate wealth, excitement and power, all of which are attractive.
- A sense of adventure. If you’re curious about life, and are willing to take risks. You can lure her into your world and she’ll be happy to follow you past her limits.
- Honesty. Being able to speak the truth is difficult and shows that you have accepted who you are as a person. It also shows that you don’t care what others think, which is very attractive.
- Whispering in her ear. The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive.
- Being busy. If you are busy, then you are important, independent and have a life.
- Being a man. Women love men who do manly things, stop doing yoga and go play a sport, hit the gym and get dirty.
- Having a nice butt. A sexy fitness indicator, attainable through the gym.
- Pre-selection. If other women want you, then there must be a reason. Having many people want you makes you attractive. You aren’t a guy who has time to look at personals.
- Being genuine. Say what you mean and do what you say. This is hard, but attractive.
- Physically picking her up. Ever heard of sweeping her off her feet? This is it.
- Touching her hair. There is something about having your hair touched that is relaxing and arousing at the same time.
- A nice face. Women love men with an attractive face. That’s what she’ll be kissing and you better believe it makes a difference.
- Originality. Women crave excitement, originality provides that. Seduction is never the same and being original is an essential part of it.
- Experience. Maturity can be very arousing; if you know what you’re doing she’ll appreciate it and you’ll get laid more often.
- Speaking to her true self. If you can see past the walls that most people put and truly speak to the real person inside of them, you’ll be one of the few that understands them. This makes you very important.
- Independence. People don’t like neediness, being independent shows that you are self sufficient and can take care of yourself.
- Teasing her. Playfulness, excitement, she loves it.
- Composure. If you can keep your cool under stressful situations, she’ll notice.
- Being selective. If you are selective, then it implies that you aren’t needy and are valuable enough to want many people want you.
- Being challenging. Playing hard to get is as true for women as it is for men. People want what they can’t have, and if they have to work for something, they’ll appreciate it much more.
- Focus. If you know what you want, and are determined to get it, then that’s attractive.
- Modesty. No one likes a show-off. Being modest is great, and attractive. There is nothing better than a girl finding out something good about you through a friend.
- Muscular abs. An indicator of health.
- Being natural. If you’re genuine about how you feel, without caring what others think, then that’s attractive. You want to know if people can handle the real you.
- Charismatic. If your spoken words and gestures can warm up a room, she’ll notice and be warmed up as well. If she doesn’t, her matchmaking friend will tell her about you.
- Sensual. Some people are frigid and cold. Some people are warm and very alert to their senses. If you are in tune with your body, you’ll likely be in tune with hers as well.
- A man that loves to have fun. Everyone wants to be around a guy who enjoys himself, be that guy.
- Goes against the rest of society. No one likes a follower. If you have a conviction about something, stick with it. Make up your own mind about things and people will respect you.
- Caring. Compassion and caring show that you will be a good father and is therefore very attractive.
- Persistent. If you go after your goals, other will notice. This is very attractive as it shows will power that not many people have.
- Being respected. If your entourage respects you, then she will as well.
- Loyal. People do not want to get hurt, and will avoid you if aren’t loyal. It is better to remain single than to get into a relationship you don’t plan on staying in.
- Romance. Spicing it up in a relationship is critical and attractive. Don’t always do the same thing because it will get boring really fast.
- Drama. Ever wonder why women love soap opera’s? It is because they crave drama, gossip, secrets. It is exciting and attractive. If you have an eventful life, people will be attracted to it.
- The way you move. If you have calm, controlled and relaxed gestures, then you will be seen as someone that is confident.
- A mysterious grin. There’s something about a grin that arouses curiosity and intrigue.
- Being extravagant. Sometimes going over the top is good, if you can let yourself go from time to time, people will notice.
- Loving yourself. If you truly love yourself for who you are, then others will as well.
- Being a teacher. Have you ever wondered why so many girls have crushes on their teachers? It is because being a teacher is a sign of power and knowledge, be a teacher.
- Clean, clear skin. Physically, nice skin is a health indicator and women will naturally be attracted to healthy looking skin.
- Being energetic. Have you ever heard the expression, “he was the life of the party” This is energy, its contagious and most people don’t have enough of it. It is very attractive.
- Being passionate. Be in the moment and enjoy life every day. It’s not about the destination, but about the journey. You’ll find your true love along the way.
- Quick mind. If you can think on your feet, and are quick to reply to her playful teases, you’ll be seen as smart and alert. A woman would rather be with a man that stimulates her intellectually rather than someone who is brain dead. It is much better to find something original to say on the spot rather than to use pick up lines.
- Attentive to details. It’s the little things that matter, if you notice that she’s done something different with her hair when no one else does, she will appreciate and be attracted to that.
- Convicted and has strong beliefs. Be opinionated about things. If you ask someone a question about a topic and they have something interested to say about it, that’s attractive. Be opinionated.
- Being in tune with her. Being in tune with someone is one of the biggest factors in relationships. Have you ever felt chemistry? Have you ever felt like you were on the same wavelength? If you and your partner are similar (and you should!) this will come naturally and will be one of the most attractive traits. The same applies for meeting women during the day or night. If you’re picking up a girl in a club, then high energy is appropriate because your energy will be matching hers. If you arrive with high energy during the day and she is reading in the library, this will clash. Read the article on how to approach girls for more information.
- Being attentive to details in your life. Are you meticulous? Being attentive to the details in your life will mean that you will pay attention to the details in her life.
- Being knowledgeable about various subjects. If you are versatile, then you’ll never be short of conversational topics. Being flexible and able to adapt to all kinds of situations is attractive. Go read some books.
- Innocence. It’s no fun when you know everything, have tried everything and have been to the edge and back. A little bit of innocence is attractive because it makes you more human. There’s always something that you haven’t tried, let her know and invite you to try it with you. Asking for her advice is alright as well.
- Challenging her. Forcing her to be on her toes, teasing her, is exciting and attractive.
- Be a planner. If you are always organising events, you are automatically the leader that has a high social status and a lot of energy. This is very attractive; everyone wants to be invited to outings.
- Being open. Tell her about your life, the real one. Cut the B.S. and you’ll stand out as someone who’s not trying to prove anything to anyone.
- Being direct. Being direct is very powerful and attractive. People use indirect methods because they want to ‘feel things out’ and not get hurt. Being direct shows that you are confident, bold and not scared of rejection.
- Be yourself, the good yourself. You shouldn’t try to pretend to be something that you aren’t. You should grow and continually improve, but remain genuine. Don’t hide your faults, everyone has them. The old saying,” be yourself” is very true and is ultimately what will attract the woman of your dreams.
Does it mean that you have to be all these things in order to attract beautiful women into your life? No way! The universe has a weird way of working and you’ll be attracted to the one you were meant to be with. She’ll love your faults, your weaknesses and your strengths. Have faith, believe in destiny and you shall meet your soul mate. You’ll know it when it happens.
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